Terms and conditions

Iura Law and Arbitration Company thanks the users of its official website, as this website makes it easy for you to obtain legal advice and learn about all the services provided by the company and other valuable legal information through the articles published periodically on this website.

Privacy and security policy

Iora Law and Arbitration Company guarantees privacy and security and is committed not to use or share your information or personal data. By using the site, you agree not to publish any of our content or disable, remove, or deactivate any technical procedure we take to enhance our services.

paying off

Iura Law Firm is paid for the announced services and in the announced methods through our partners. By using our payment methods, you agree that you are responsible for the amounts associated with your account and that you agree to collect payments.

Refund Policy

Amounts paid are non-refundable.

Length of service

The duration of the services provided and consultations shall be determined based on an agreement with the management of the Eora Law and Arbitration Company in the event of multiple consultations and requesting more than one service, at the prices determined by the company.