Departments of Human Resources and Legal Affairs in companies

ادارة الموارد البشرية
Human Resource Management

Departments of Human Resources and Legal Affairs in companies
Each department plays an important, effective and vital role, and no company can be successful without relying on these two departments, whether these two departments are dependent to the company’s administrative structure or the company has contracted with a specialized legal company in this regard, they are two cooperative departments for the company on one hand, and for the company’s employees on the other hand. They further regulate obligations and rights among the company, its employees, customers, and all the parties the company deals with.

In IURA Legal Entity

we conduct an entire structure for each department inside your company as well as in case you decide to contract with us, in order to perform all work done by both departments to ease the burden on the company. Hence, in this case, IURA serves as a dependent department of your company in the substitution these two departments, without an additional staff and other operational costs.

ادارة الشئون القانونية
The company through specialized and distinguished lawyers

The company through specialized and distinguished lawyers

The company through specialized and distinguished lawyers, in all branches of law of all legal services and consultations for corporate clients by drafting, concluding, amending, registering, announcing contracts, and obtaining all licenses for companies and factories from the competent authorities, as well as registration of trademarks, industrial models and certification of board minutes, Ordinary and non-ordinary General Associations, as well as providing of all legal consultations related to financial and commercial transactions.

As well as litigation regarding taxes, administrative and executive detention, commercial and banking transactions.

The adjudication of tax, administrative and commercial detention, commercial transactions, and banks  Represent your company before judgment at all levels, in the tax and commercial transactions cases, it is related to investment and trade laws or intellectual property laws, trademarks, industrial models, associated civil laws, and IURA has the required experience.

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