Trademark and Industrial Models

العلامات التجارية
العلامات التجارية

Trademark and Industrial Models

A company trademark is one of the most significant features of the commercial, industrial, and service activities, and it always remains in the clients’ memory. The importance of a trademark is not due to being merely a shape that distinguishes a product or service, but because it will be evaluated by money, in case of being more famous. In some cases, a company’s trademark equals much more than the financial value of a company. for the company So the consideration and registration of a trademark provide legal protection against any exploitation by others, and further guarantee you spreading in a secure manner all over the world, thanks to international agreements that organize the process and phases of trademark registration, and legal protection addition, whether locally or internationally. company physical.

Therefore, we at Iura Law Firm must note:

What applies on a trademark applies on industrial models, as manufacturing increases and people rely on packaging various products, the need for industrial models increases, so it is highly important to register the industrial models and your alignments through which you manufacture your products to protect them from imitation and to be able, at any time, to get your full rights in case of being imitated by others.


Trademarks . Branding
Trademarks . Branding

Our company also registers trademarks of great importance:

What applies to trademarks also applies to industrial models. With the increase in manufacturing and people’s dependence on packaging and different products, the need for different industrial models has increased. Therefore, it is very important that you register your industrial models and fixtures through which you manufacture your products in order to protect them from imitation and you can At any time, obtaining your full rights in the event that they are imitated by others

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